Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Top Players for 2016-17

We had a quiet year for quizbowl in Canada, so we aren't doing full awards. We still wish to recognize the best high-school quiz players in Ontario.

Sheena Li (Lisgar)
Sheena scored 27 powers while leading her team to 22nd place at a US Nationals this year. She wasn't mentioned on the HSQBRank all-world lists, but her stats were comparable to lots of players who were. She will be a strong college player next year.

Colin Veevers (Lisgar)
Lisgar had amazing bounce-back stats at PACE this year, probably thanks to Colin's top science play. He outscored Sheena at OQT last year, and he was an MVP on the Lisgar team that won Reach Nationals. He will probably be best-in-Canada if he plays next year.

Gareth Thorlakson (UTS)
Gareth won National History Bee and led UTS to wins at History Bowl and Ontario Reach Provincials, all by defeating the top Lisgar players. UTS subs out their A-team a lot, but it's still obvious who the best player is when it's the player wearing a ninja-turtle bandana.

Ryan Hamilton (Royal St. George)
Ryan didn't win any history nationals, but his team led History Bee in points-per-game, and his Bee scores were exactly 1 point behind the eventual winner.

Tim He (Westmount)
Tim led his team to a win at MacIntro, and he lead the field in scoring at Toronto Novice. It probably gives him a training edge that he plays summer open tournaments against college players and elders.

Daniel Petrov (Central RH)
Andrew Bi (White Oaks)
I don't know anything about these players, but it looks like they were the best players at Toronto Novice -- they scored high powers and led their teams to first and second place.

I probably missed some people from this list. If you think your friend or teammate was a top player, you can comment or post about it somewhere. If you think you were a top player, then you should prove it by studying a bunch and becoming an even more dominant player next year.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

All Results 2016-17


Tournament Date Champions 2nd Place Results? Recap?
Lisgar Novice October 22, 2016 Lisgar Jr Lisgar Jr B results
MacIntro II October 22, 2016 Westmount "Central RH" results recap
Ottawa QT 12 December 3, 2016 Lisgar Lisgar B results recap
Toronto Novice December 3, 2016 "Central RH" White Oaks results

Lisgar, Westmount, and "Central Richmond Hill" are the teams that won events this year.

Lisgar travelled to the US for two tournaments -- they came 2nd and scored top PPG at Ithaca Brainbusters, and they came 22nd at the big PACE NSC. This sets a Canadian record for highest nationals finish, depending how you measure things.

History Bee and Bowl

IHBB still has a really nice results page. UTS won 5 of their 6 national titles, and Lisgar won the other. Royal St George's, Westmount, and Merivale players all won titles at their Ontario Regionals.

Reach for the Top

The Reach Scores blog and attached wiki keeps good stats for Reach events in Ontario.

Tournament Date 1st 2nd Results Recap
Lisgar Independent Feb 2017 UTS Lisgar results recap, audio
Ottawa Regionals Winter 2017 Lisgar Merivale results recap
Hamilton Regionals Winter 2017 Westmount Hillfield Strathallan results post
Etobicoke Regionals Winter 2017 Martingrove Power-St. Joseph results post
Windsor-Essex Regionals Winter 2017 St. Joseph's Assumption records post
Ontario Provincials May 2017 UTS Lisgar results recap
Reach Nationals May 2017 Lisgar UTS results recap, finals video

See also: our results from 2016, 2005-14