International History Bowl Canadian Championship
Varsity (up to grade 12)
1. Lisgar
2. Bayview
3. UTS
4. Westmount
JV (up to grade 10)
1. UTS
2. Royal St. George
3. Lisgar
International History Bee Canadian Championship
1. Sheena from Lisgar
2. Josh from Lisgar
3. Alec from UTS
1. Ryan from Royal St. George
2. Gareth from UTS
3. Colin from Lisgar
IHBB Canada may post a results page soon. We don't have results yet for their middle school division or from their side-tournaments that weekend.
Reach for the Top Ontario Provincial Championship
Final Standings
1. Martingrove
2. Upper Canada College
3. Lisgar
4. London Central
Prelim Points (in 7 games)
1. Martingrove, 3100
2. Lisgar, 2830
3. Merivale, 2700
4. Upper Canada College, 2530
5. Waterloo CI, 2500
5. Waterloo CI, 2500
6. Hillfield Strathallan, 2460
7. Woburn, 2430
8. London Central, 2410
7. Woburn, 2430
8. London Central, 2410
9. Centennial, 2330
9. Marc Garneau, 2330
9. Marc Garneau, 2330
Ben Smith tweeted a sheet ranking this year's Ontario teams against historical top teams. He controlled for PPG, win-loss record, and strength of schedule.
Ben also noted that a team from UTS could very possibly have won Reach provincials this year, if they'd managed to qualify. Reach's regional qualifiers create a bottleneck in the Toronto area, where UTS lost in a single-elimination game. Their results playing in house-reach tournaments this year suggest that they might have been stronger than any team actually at Provincials.